Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Somebody That I Used to Know

There’s a deep dichotomy in me. I’ve always wanted to be an artist and yet, I’ve run from it all of my life. I loved to draw as a kid. I drew on everything from paper bags to scraps of paper. Art was always my secret vice. I continued to create through grade school, then middle school, high school, college, and finally graduate school.

I struggled in graduate school. Not with the work. I struggled with the politics of being a woman in an engineering field dominated by men. Everywhere I worked, I dealt with denigrating comments and actions. It was brutal and I finally reached my breaking point. With the support of my husband, I walked away. Away from a lucrative career. Away from the pursuit of my PhD. Away from the only life I had ever envisioned for myself.

Overnight, I became an artist. An artist without formal training. An artist with a lot to learn. I built my company year by year. It was hard -- much harder than I imagined. Busy show schedules. Keeping one step ahead of people copying my work. But, for the first time in my life, I was happy. At least until 2008.

When the stock market crashed, people stopped buying art. I tried to wait it out. I finally caved and picked up part-time jobs that quickly morphed into a full-time jobs. That wasn’t what I had in mind. For the first time since kindergarten, I stopped creating. Art would have to wait. I was making real money again. My last job was at Dale Music. The owner retired and we were all let go.

I am an artist once again. My hiatus demolished the company I had built; so, I’m starting over. A lot has changed for artists in my absence. Attendance at shows has dropped. A lot of the galleries and stores that carried my work have closed. I need a new online strategy to stay afloat.

I started exploring social media channels. I opened up my dormant LinkedIn account and there in front of me was my former life: business contacts from my life as an engineer. It was a jarring discovery: staring at the life of somebody that I used to know. I sometimes wish I was still that person. I wish I could have loved that life. But I couldn’t. I left it behind and moved on. I am an artist now.

For me, art is such a personal thing. It seems wrong to market it online. I like that one-to-one approach. I learn so much by talking to my clients and non-clients alike. That’s hard to do that online. This blog is an attempt to connect my art to people in a way that is more personal than a virtual storefront.

I want to thank my friends for their encouragement. Thanks to Chester, Laura, Carole, Alex, and Bonnie (and, of course, Smokey). If there is an interest, I will put out a newsletter with some fun projects and helpful information I’ve gleaned from life. You can sign up on the right hand side of this blog. First, I need to rebuild my website (gingrichsart.com) and clear out some old inventory. I have a new path to explore.

Gotye -- Somebody That I Used to Know
Lyrics by Walter de Backer, Luiz Bonfa, Gotye

Somebody That I Used to Know


  1. What a beautiful post! I feel a lot of the same things you do, so it's nice to hear someone articulate them so nicely.

    It's obvious that you're an artist even during the times when life wouldn't let you create art for a short (or long) span.

    But glad to have you back to it now and can't wait to see what you offer the world.

    Do you think you'll be doing shows again? I wish we were closer so I could ride your "show shirtails". :-)

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Laura. I haven't made a decision about shows. Chester is tied up at the farm on the weekends, so I'd be doing them alone. I had an accomplice to help, but he has health issues. At the moment, I'm concentrating on the online part.
